Femmze life


PMS - Sometimes you just need to be held

FEMMZE has been designed with a softly sculpting feel. Our closest to body fit means our undies hug you when you need it most during your cycle. 

CRAMPING AND GENERAL discomfort can too often feel like the constant reality each month, so when designing our FEMMZE underwear we wanted them  to not only perform when it comes to absorbing flow cycles, but also act as a gentle compression to support monthly symptoms. Our signature "low tox" stretch cotton outer body fabric, will hold you around the tummy region with high rise designs and signature FEMMZE waistbands. We can't promise they are a complete elixir,  but they definitely offer a new experience when it comes to supporting you when you need it most.


PMS. WE ALL experience it to a certain degree, but what causes it? FEMMZE spoke with Naturopath (BHSc), Amy Sartorel about PMS and the effects it has on women through their cycle.


Premenstrual symptoms are triggered by the rise and fall of female hormones during ovulation that continue until the bleed begins. The ovaries and pituitary gland produce oestrogen, progesterone and prolactin, which directly impact the feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain, nervous and reproductive systems. These feel-good neurotransmitters are dopamine, serotonin and GABA.


During Ovulation, increases in prolactin cause breast fullness, tenderness and fluid retention and imbalances in progesterone and oestrogen trigger sadness, anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue, cramping and insomnia.



"When designing our FEMMZE underwear we wanted them  to not only perform when it comes to absorbing flow cycles, but also act as a gentle compression to support monthly symptoms."


TO HELP COMBAT these hormonal changes, Amy suggests sipping on herbal teas throughout the month.



Cramping and bloating be gone. Raspberry leaf helps to reduce cramps, nausea and spasms in the uterus pre-period and improves its muscular function and circulation. Try a cup of Raspberry leaf tea, steeped in boiling water for 5 minutes from days 24-35 of your cycle.



To help reduce bloating, fluid retention, cramping, cravings and acne and aid in inducing a state of relaxation, Passionflower is a beautiful herb for insomnia, anxiety, irritability and anger associated with PMS. Try one or two cups before bed during the pre-menstrual stage of your cycle.



Dandelion tea is great for heavy and painful periods, and anyone suffering with a long PMS build up. The root of this herb acts directly on the liver to help detoxify and break down hormonal metabolites released to the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Often excess circulating oestrogen in the body can over burden the liver, leading to a build-up of toxins and hormones in the body. Try a cup of Dandelion tea once daily in the morning before or after breakfast to give your liver some love.


Amy Sartorel is a certified Naturopath (BHSc) specialising in women's health. Follow her journey here. 

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