Femmze life


How to Harness the Power of Our Cyclical Energy Throughout Our Monthly Cycle

Living in alignment with our cycle provides an inner compass for how and when to get things done.

Living in alignment with our cycle provides an inner compass for how and when to get things done; when to start new things or make a change, the best time to focus on collaborative efforts, when to finalise projects, when to pause and take stock. Harnessing the moments when our energy surges and honouring the times it slows down allows us to get the most out of each month. All phases have gifts to offer us if we lean in to the wisdom of our body.


MENSTRUAL ~ press pause, even though some of our obligations may need to carry on try to slow down the output. This is the time to politely bow out of social obligations, work reflectively and slowly, ask our partner or friends for extra help with the kids for a few days.


FOLLICULAR ~ time to look ahead. You may like to dream up a new idea, schedule in some creative brainstorming, make plans for the next week or two of social activities. You may like to schedule more outdoor activities with your minis or even take a work meeting outside. This is your most potent time for planning and preparing. 



Harnessing the moments when our energy surges and honouring the times it slows down allows us to get the most out of each month.


OVULATION ~ you’ll feel most magnetic this week so collaboration will flow with ease. Communication comes more freely at this time so go on a date, catch up with friends, pitch that idea to a colleague, attend anything your community is rallying for.  


LUTEAL ~ an excellent time to finish and refine. Double check your work or creations, review whether there’s any tweaks needed, get it doneand hand it in. Check if there’s any friendships you need to touch base with, clean out that messy draw at home. Make a few extra meals for the freezer in preparation for the diminishing energy to cycle back soon. 


Images via Pinterest. 


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